Source code for ase.db.row

from random import randint
from typing import Any, Dict

import numpy as np

from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import (PropertyNotImplementedError,
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
from import atomic_masses, chemical_symbols
from ase.formula import Formula
from ase.geometry import cell_to_cellpar
from import decode

class FancyDict(dict):
    """Dictionary with keys available as attributes also."""

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        if key not in self:
            return dict.__getattribute__(self, key)
        value = self[key]
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            return FancyDict(value)
        return value

    def __dir__(self):
        return self.keys()  # for tab-completion

def atoms2dict(atoms):
    dct = {
        'numbers': atoms.numbers,
        'positions': atoms.positions,
        'unique_id': '%x' % randint(16**31, 16**32 - 1)}
    if atoms.pbc.any():
        dct['pbc'] = atoms.pbc
    if atoms.cell.any():
        dct['cell'] = atoms.cell
    if atoms.has('initial_magmoms'):
        dct['initial_magmoms'] = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments()
    if atoms.has('initial_charges'):
        dct['initial_charges'] = atoms.get_initial_charges()
    if atoms.has('masses'):
        dct['masses'] = atoms.get_masses()
    if atoms.has('tags'):
        dct['tags'] = atoms.get_tags()
    if atoms.has('momenta'):
        dct['momenta'] = atoms.get_momenta()
    if atoms.constraints:
        dct['constraints'] = [c.todict() for c in atoms.constraints]
    if atoms.calc is not None:
        dct['calculator'] =
        dct['calculator_parameters'] = atoms.calc.todict()
        if len(atoms.calc.check_state(atoms)) == 0:
            for prop in all_properties:
                    x = atoms.calc.get_property(prop, atoms, False)
                except PropertyNotImplementedError:
                    if x is not None:
                        dct[prop] = x
    return dct

[docs]class AtomsRow: mtime: float positions: np.ndarray id: int def __init__(self, dct): if isinstance(dct, dict): dct = dct.copy() if 'calculator_parameters' in dct: # Earlier version of ASE would encode the calculator # parameter dict again and again and again ... while isinstance(dct['calculator_parameters'], str): dct['calculator_parameters'] = decode( dct['calculator_parameters']) else: dct = atoms2dict(dct) assert 'numbers' in dct self._constraints = dct.pop('constraints', []) self._constrained_forces = None self._data = dct.pop('data', {}) kvp = dct.pop('key_value_pairs', {}) self._keys = list(kvp.keys()) self.__dict__.update(kvp) self.__dict__.update(dct) if 'cell' not in dct: self.cell = np.zeros((3, 3)) if 'pbc' not in dct: self.pbc = np.zeros(3, bool) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.__dict__ def __iter__(self): return (key for key in self.__dict__ if key[0] != '_')
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Return value of key if present or default if not.""" return getattr(self, key, default)
@property def key_value_pairs(self): """Return dict of key-value pairs.""" return {key: self.get(key) for key in self._keys}
[docs] def count_atoms(self): """Count atoms. Return dict mapping chemical symbol strings to number of atoms. """ count = {} for symbol in self.symbols: count[symbol] = count.get(symbol, 0) + 1 return count
def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): setattr(self, key, value) def __str__(self): return '<AtomsRow: formula={}, keys={}>'.format( self.formula, ','.join(self._keys)) @property def constraints(self): """List of constraints.""" from ase.constraints import dict2constraint if not isinstance(self._constraints, list): # Lazy decoding: cs = decode(self._constraints) self._constraints = [] for c in cs: # Convert to new format: name = c.pop('__name__', None) if name: c = {'name': name, 'kwargs': c} if c['name'].startswith('ase'): c['name'] = c['name'].rsplit('.', 1)[1] self._constraints.append(c) return [dict2constraint(d) for d in self._constraints] @property def data(self): """Data dict.""" if isinstance(self._data, str): self._data = decode(self._data) # lazy decoding elif isinstance(self._data, bytes): from ase.db.core import bytes_to_object self._data = bytes_to_object(self._data) # lazy decoding return FancyDict(self._data) @property def natoms(self): """Number of atoms.""" return len(self.numbers) @property def formula(self): """Chemical formula string.""" return Formula('', _tree=[(self.symbols, 1)]).format('metal') @property def symbols(self): """List of chemical symbols.""" return [chemical_symbols[Z] for Z in self.numbers] @property def fmax(self): """Maximum atomic force.""" forces = self.constrained_forces return (forces**2).sum(1).max()**0.5 @property def constrained_forces(self): """Forces after applying constraints.""" if self._constrained_forces is not None: return self._constrained_forces forces = self.forces constraints = self.constraints if constraints: forces = forces.copy() atoms = self.toatoms() for constraint in constraints: constraint.adjust_forces(atoms, forces) self._constrained_forces = forces return forces @property def smax(self): """Maximum stress tensor component.""" return (self.stress**2).max()**0.5 @property def mass(self): """Total mass.""" if 'masses' in self: return self.masses.sum() return atomic_masses[self.numbers].sum() @property def volume(self): """Volume of unit cell.""" if self.cell is None: return None vol = abs(np.linalg.det(self.cell)) if vol == 0.0: raise AttributeError return vol @property def charge(self): """Total charge.""" charges = self.get('initial_charges') if charges is None: return 0.0 return charges.sum()
[docs] def toatoms(self, add_additional_information=False): """Create Atoms object.""" atoms = Atoms(self.numbers, self.positions, cell=self.cell, pbc=self.pbc, magmoms=self.get('initial_magmoms'), charges=self.get('initial_charges'), tags=self.get('tags'), masses=self.get('masses'), momenta=self.get('momenta'), constraint=self.constraints) results = {prop: self[prop] for prop in all_properties if prop in self} if results: atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results) = self.get('calculator', 'unknown') if add_additional_information: = {}['unique_id'] = self.unique_id if self._keys:['key_value_pairs'] = self.key_value_pairs data = self.get('data') if data:['data'] = data return atoms
def row2dct(row, key_descriptions) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert row to dict of things for printing or a web-page.""" from ase.db.core import float_to_time_string, now dct = {} atoms = Atoms(cell=row.cell, pbc=row.pbc) dct['size'] = kptdensity2monkhorstpack(atoms, kptdensity=1.8, even=False) dct['cell'] = [[f'{a:.3f}' for a in axis] for axis in row.cell] par = [f'{x:.3f}' for x in cell_to_cellpar(row.cell)] dct['lengths'] = par[:3] dct['angles'] = par[3:] stress = row.get('stress') if stress is not None: dct['stress'] = ', '.join(f'{s:.3f}' for s in stress) dct['formula'] = Formula(row.formula).format('abc') dipole = row.get('dipole') if dipole is not None: dct['dipole'] = ', '.join(f'{d:.3f}' for d in dipole) data = row.get('data') if data: dct['data'] = ', '.join(data.keys()) constraints = row.get('constraints') if constraints: dct['constraints'] = ', '.join(c.__class__.__name__ for c in constraints) keys = ({'id', 'energy', 'fmax', 'smax', 'mass', 'age'} | set(key_descriptions) | set(row.key_value_pairs)) dct['table'] = [] from ase.db.project import KeyDescription for key in keys: if key == 'age': age = float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True) dct['table'].append(('ctime', 'Age', age)) continue value = row.get(key) if value is not None: if isinstance(value, float): value = f'{value:.3f}' elif not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) nokeydesc = KeyDescription(key, '', '', '') keydesc = key_descriptions.get(key, nokeydesc) unit = keydesc.unit if unit: value += ' ' + unit dct['table'].append((key, keydesc.longdesc, value)) return dct