Source code for

import json
import urllib.request
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError

from import read

base_url = ''

PubchemSearch = namedtuple('PubchemSearch', 'search field')

class PubchemData:
    a specialized class for entries from the pubchem database

    def __init__(self, atoms, data):
        self.atoms = atoms = data

    def get_atoms(self):
        return self.atoms

    def get_pubchem_data(self):

def search_pubchem_raw(search, field, silent=False, mock_test=False):
    A helper function for searching pubchem.

        search (str or int):
            the compound you are searching for. This can be either
            a common name, CID, or smiles string depending of the
            `field` you are searching

        field (str):
            the particular field you are searching with. Possible values
            are 'name', 'CID', and 'smiles'.'name' will search common '
            'names,CID will search the Pubchem Chemical Idenitification '
            'Numberswhich can be found on their website and smiles'
            ' searches for compounds with the entered smiles string.

        data (str):
            a string containing the raw response from pubchem.
    if mock_test:  # for testing only
        r = BytesIO(test_output)
        suffix = 'sdf?record_type=3d'

        url = (
            if field == 'conformers'
            else f'{base_url}/compound/{field}/{search!s}/{suffix}'
            r = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
        except HTTPError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                f'the search term {search} could not be found for the field '
            ) from e
        except URLError as e:
            raise ValueError(
                'Couldn\'t reach the pubchem servers, check'
                ' your internet connection'
            ) from e

    # check if there are confomers and warn them if there are
    if field != 'conformers' and not silent:
        conformer_ids = available_conformer_search(search, field,
        if len(conformer_ids) > 1:
                f'The structure "{search}" has more than one conformer in '
                'PubChem. By default, the first conformer is returned, please '
                'ensure you are using the structure you intend to or use the '
                '`` function'


def parse_pubchem_raw(data):
    a helper function for parsing the returned pubchem entries

        data (str):
            the raw output from pubchem in string form

        atoms (ASE Atoms Object):
            An ASE atoms obejct containing the information from
        pubchem_data (dict):
            a dictionary containing the non-structural information
            from pubchem

    if 'PUBCHEM_COMPOUND_CID' not in data:
        raise Exception('There was a problem with the data returned by '
    f_like = StringIO(data)
    atoms = read(f_like, format='sdf')

    # check if there are confomers and warn them if there are

    # further analyze the text returned from pubchem
    pubchem_data = {}
    other_info = data.split('END\n')[1]
    other_info = other_info.split('$')[0]  # remove the $$$$ at the end
    # the strucuture of this string is > <field>\nentry_info\n
    other_info = other_info.split('> <')  # split into the fields
    for data_field in other_info:
        if data_field == '':
        field_name, entry_value = data_field.split('>\n')
        # split it into lines and remove the empty lines
        entry_value = entry_value.splitlines()
        entry_value = [a for a in entry_value if a != '']
        if len(entry_value) == 1:
            entry_value = entry_value[0]
        pubchem_data[field_name] = entry_value
    # recover partial charges
    if 'PUBCHEM_MMFF94_PARTIAL_CHARGES' in pubchem_data:
        # the first entry just contains the number of atoms with charges
        charges = pubchem_data['PUBCHEM_MMFF94_PARTIAL_CHARGES'][1:]
        # each subsequent entry contains the index and charge of the atoms
        atom_charges = [0.] * len(atoms)
        for charge in charges:
            i, charge = charge.split()
            # indices start at 1
            atom_charges[int(i) - 1] = float(charge)
    return atoms, pubchem_data

def analyze_input(name=None, cid=None, smiles=None, conformer=None,
    helper function to translate keyword arguments from intialization
    and searching into the search and field that is being asked for

        see ``
            the search term the user has entered
            the name of the field being asked for

    inputs = [name, cid, smiles, conformer]
    inputs_check = [a is not None for a in [name, cid, smiles, conformer]]
    input_fields = ['name', 'cid', 'smiles', 'conformers']

    if inputs_check.count(True) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Only one search term my be entered a time.'
                         ' Please pass in only one of the following: '
                         'name, cid, smiles, confomer')
    elif inputs_check.count(True) == 1:
        # Figure out which input has been passed in
        index = inputs_check.index(True)
        field = input_fields[index]
        search = inputs[index]
        raise ValueError('No search was entered.'
                         ' Please pass in only one of the following: '
                         'name, cid, smiles, confomer')

    return PubchemSearch(search, field)

def available_conformer_search(search, field, mock_test=False):
    Helper function to get the conformer IDs. This searches pubchem for
    the conformers of a given structure and returns all the confomer ids
    of a structure.

        search (str or int):
            the compound you are searching for. This can be either
            a common name, CID, or smiles string depending of the
            `field` you are searching

        field (str):
            the particular field you are searching with. Possible values
            are 'name', 'CID', and 'smiles'.'name' will search common '
            'names,CID will search the Pubchem Chemical Idenitification '
            'Numberswhich can be found on their website and smiles'
            ' searches for compounds with the entered smiles string.

            conformers_ids (list):
                a list of the conformer IDs from PubChem, this is different
                than the CID numbers
    suffix = 'conformers/JSON'
    url = f'{base_url}/compound/{field}/{search!s}/{suffix}'
    if mock_test:
        r = BytesIO(test_conformer_output)
            r = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
        except HTTPError as e:
            err = ValueError(
                f'the search term {search} could not be found for the field '
            raise err from e
        except URLError as e:
            err = ValueError('Couldn\'t reach the pubchem servers, check'
                             ' your internet connection')
            raise err from e
    record ='utf-8')
    record = json.loads(record)
    return record['InformationList']['Information'][0]['ConformerID']

test_output = b'222\n  -OEChem-10071914343D\n\n  4  3  0     0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000\n    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000 N   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n   -0.4417    0.2906    0.8711 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    0.7256    0.6896   -0.1907 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n    0.4875   -0.8701    0.2089 H   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0\n  1  2  1  0  0  0  0\n  1  3  1  0  0  0  0\n  1  4  1  0  0  0  0\nM  END\n> <PUBCHEM_COMPOUND_CID>\n222\n\n> <PUBCHEM_CONFORMER_RMSD>\n0.4\n\n> <PUBCHEM_CONFORMER_DIVERSEORDER>\n1\n\n> <PUBCHEM_MMFF94_PARTIAL_CHARGES>\n4\n1 -1.08\n2 0.36\n3 0.36\n4 0.36\n\n> <PUBCHEM_EFFECTIVE_ROTOR_COUNT>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_PHARMACOPHORE_FEATURES>\n1\n1 1 cation\n\n> <PUBCHEM_HEAVY_ATOM_COUNT>\n1\n\n> <PUBCHEM_ATOM_DEF_STEREO_COUNT>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_ATOM_UDEF_STEREO_COUNT>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_BOND_DEF_STEREO_COUNT>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_BOND_UDEF_STEREO_COUNT>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_ISOTOPIC_ATOM_COUNT>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_COMPONENT_COUNT>\n1\n\n> <PUBCHEM_CACTVS_TAUTO_COUNT>\n1\n\n> <PUBCHEM_CONFORMER_ID>\n000000DE00000001\n\n> <PUBCHEM_MMFF94_ENERGY>\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_FEATURE_SELFOVERLAP>\n5.074\n\n> <PUBCHEM_SHAPE_FINGERPRINT>\n260 1 18410856563934756871\n\n> <PUBCHEM_SHAPE_MULTIPOLES>\n15.6\n0.51\n0.51\n0.51\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n0\n\n> <PUBCHEM_SHAPE_SELFOVERLAP>\n14.89\n\n> <PUBCHEM_SHAPE_VOLUME>\n15.6\n\n> <PUBCHEM_COORDINATE_TYPE>\n2\n5\n10\n\n$$$$\n'  # noqa
test_conformer_output = b'{\n  "InformationList": {\n    "Information": [\n      {\n        "CID": 222,\n        "ConformerID": [\n          "000000DE00000001"\n        ]\n      }\n    ]\n  }\n}\n'  # noqa