Source code for ase.calculators.mixing

from ase.calculators.calculator import (
from ase.stress import full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress

class Mixer:
    def __init__(self, calcs, weights):
        self.check_input(calcs, weights)
        common_properties = set.intersection(
            *(set(calc.implemented_properties) for calc in calcs)
        self.implemented_properties = list(common_properties)
        self.calcs = calcs
        self.weights = weights

    def check_input(calcs, weights):
        if len(calcs) == 0:
            raise CalculatorSetupError("Please provide a list of Calculators")
        if len(weights) != len(calcs):
            raise ValueError(
                "The length of the weights must be the same as"
                " the number of Calculators!"

    def get_properties(self, properties, atoms):
        results = {}

        def get_property(prop):
            contribs = [calc.get_property(prop, atoms) for calc in self.calcs]
            # ensure that the contribution shapes are the same for stress prop
            if prop == "stress":
                shapes = [contrib.shape for contrib in contribs]
                if not all(shape == shapes[0] for shape in shapes):
                    if prop == "stress":
                        contribs = self.make_stress_voigt(contribs)
                        raise ValueError(
                            f"The shapes of the property {prop}"
                            " are not the same from all"
                            " calculators"
            results[f"{prop}_contributions"] = contribs
            results[prop] = sum(
                weight * value for weight, value in zip(self.weights, contribs)

        for prop in properties:  # get requested properties
        for prop in self.implemented_properties:  # cache all available props
            if all(prop in calc.results for calc in self.calcs):
        return results

    def make_stress_voigt(stresses):
        new_contribs = []
        for contrib in stresses:
            if contrib.shape == (6,):
            elif contrib.shape == (3, 3):
                new_cont = full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress(contrib)
                raise ValueError(
                    "The shapes of the stress"
                    " property are not the same"
                    " from all calculators"
        return new_contribs

[docs] class LinearCombinationCalculator(BaseCalculator): """Weighted summation of multiple calculators.""" def __init__(self, calcs, weights): """Implementation of sum of calculators. calcs: list List of an arbitrary number of :mod:`ase.calculators` objects. weights: list of float Weights for each calculator in the list. """ super().__init__() self.mixer = Mixer(calcs, weights) self.implemented_properties = self.mixer.implemented_properties def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes): """Calculates all the specific property for each calculator and returns with the summed value. """ self.atoms = atoms.copy() # for caching of results self.results = self.mixer.get_properties(properties, atoms) def __str__(self): calculators = ", ".join( calc.__class__.__name__ for calc in self.mixer.calcs ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({calculators})"
[docs] class MixedCalculator(LinearCombinationCalculator): """ Mixing of two calculators with different weights H = weight1 * H1 + weight2 * H2 Has functionality to get the energy contributions from each calculator Parameters ---------- calc1 : ASE-calculator calc2 : ASE-calculator weight1 : float weight for calculator 1 weight2 : float weight for calculator 2 """ def __init__(self, calc1, calc2, weight1, weight2): super().__init__([calc1, calc2], [weight1, weight2]) def set_weights(self, w1, w2): self.mixer.weights[0] = w1 self.mixer.weights[1] = w2 def get_energy_contributions(self, atoms=None): """Return the potential energy from calc1 and calc2 respectively""" self.calculate( properties=["energy"], atoms=atoms, system_changes=all_changes ) return self.results["energy_contributions"]
[docs] class SumCalculator(LinearCombinationCalculator): """SumCalculator for combining multiple calculators. This calculator can be used when there are different calculators for the different chemical environment or for example during delta leaning. It works with a list of arbitrary calculators and evaluates them in sequence when it is required. The supported properties are the intersection of the implemented properties in each calculator. """ def __init__(self, calcs): """Implementation of sum of calculators. calcs: list List of an arbitrary number of :mod:`ase.calculators` objects. """ weights = [1.0] * len(calcs) super().__init__(calcs, weights)
[docs] class AverageCalculator(LinearCombinationCalculator): """AverageCalculator for equal summation of multiple calculators (for thermodynamic purposes).""" def __init__(self, calcs): """Implementation of average of calculators. calcs: list List of an arbitrary number of :mod:`ase.calculators` objects. """ n = len(calcs) if n == 0: raise CalculatorSetupError( "The value of the calcs must be a list of Calculators" ) weights = [1 / n] * n super().__init__(calcs, weights)