Source code for ase.calculators.demon.demon

"""This module defines an ASE interface to deMon.

import os
import os.path as op
import shutil
import subprocess

import numpy as np

from ase.calculators.calculator import (
from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree

from .demon_io import parse_xray

m_e_to_amu = 1822.88839

class Parameters_deMon(Parameters):
    """Parameters class for the calculator.
    Documented in Base_deMon.__init__

    The options here are the most important ones that the user needs to be
    aware of. Further options accepted by deMon can be set in the dictionary


    def __init__(
            title='deMon input file',
        kwargs = locals()
        Parameters.__init__(self, **kwargs)

[docs] class Demon(FileIOCalculator): """Calculator interface to the deMon code. """ implemented_properties = [ 'energy', 'forces', 'dipole', 'eigenvalues'] def __init__(self, *, command=None, **kwargs): """ASE interface to the deMon code. The deMon2k code can be obtained from The DEMON_COMMAND environment variable must be set to run the executable, in bash it would be set along the lines of export DEMON_COMMAND="deMon.4.3.6.std > deMon_ase.out 2>&1" Parameters: label : str relative path to the run directory atoms : Atoms object the atoms object command : str Command to run deMon. If not present the environment variable DEMON_COMMAND will be used restart : str Relative path to ASE restart directory for parameters and atoms object and results basis_path : str Relative path to the directory containing BASIS, AUXIS, ECPS, MCPS and AUGMENT ignore_bad_restart_file : bool Ignore broken or missing ASE restart files By default, it is an error if the restart file is missing or broken. deMon_restart_path : str Relative path to the deMon restart dir title : str Title in the deMon input file. scftype : str Type of scf forces : bool If True a force calculation will be enforced. dipole : bool If True a dipole calculation will be enforced xc : str xc-functional guess : str guess for initial density and wave functions print_out : str | list Options for the printing in deMon basis : dict Definition of basis sets. ecps : dict Definition of ECPs mcps : dict Definition of MCPs auxis : dict Definition of AUXIS augment : dict Definition of AUGMENT input_arguments : dict Explicitly given input arguments. The key is the input keyword and the value is either a str, a list of str (will be written on the same line as the keyword), or a list of lists of str (first list is written on the first line, the others on following lines.) For example usage, see the tests and in the directory ase/test/demon """ parameters = Parameters_deMon(**kwargs) # Setup the run command if command is None: command = self.cfg.get('DEMON_COMMAND') FileIOCalculator.__init__( self, command=command, **parameters) def __getitem__(self, key): """Convenience method to retrieve a parameter as calculator[key] rather than calculator.parameters[key] Parameters: key : str, the name of the parameters to get. """ return self.parameters[key] def set(self, **kwargs): """Set all parameters. Parameters: kwargs : Dictionary containing the keywords for deMon """ # Put in the default arguments. kwargs = self.default_parameters.__class__(**kwargs) if 'parameters' in kwargs: filename = kwargs.pop('parameters') parameters = parameters.update(kwargs) kwargs = parameters changed_parameters = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): oldvalue = self.parameters.get(key) if key not in self.parameters or not equal(value, oldvalue): changed_parameters[key] = value self.parameters[key] = value return changed_parameters def link_file(self, fromdir, todir, filename): if op.exists(todir + '/' + filename): os.remove(todir + '/' + filename) if op.exists(fromdir + '/' + filename): os.symlink(fromdir + '/' + filename, todir + '/' + filename) else: raise RuntimeError( "{} doesn't exist".format(fromdir + '/' + filename)) def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=['energy'], system_changes=all_changes): """Capture the RuntimeError from FileIOCalculator.calculate and add a little debug information from the deMon output. See base FileIocalculator for documentation. """ if atoms is not None: self.atoms = atoms.copy() self.write_input(self.atoms, properties, system_changes) command = self.command # basis path basis_path = self.parameters['basis_path'] if basis_path is None: basis_path = self.cfg.get('DEMON_BASIS_PATH') if basis_path is None: raise RuntimeError('Please set basis_path keyword,' + ' or the DEMON_BASIS_PATH' + ' environment variable') # link restart file value = self.parameters['guess'] if value.upper() == 'RESTART': value2 = self.parameters['deMon_restart_path'] if op.exists( + '/deMon.rst')\ or op.islink( + '/deMon.rst'): os.remove( + '/deMon.rst') abspath = op.abspath(value2) if op.exists(abspath + '/deMon.mem') \ or op.islink(abspath + '/deMon.mem'): shutil.copy(abspath + '/deMon.mem', + '/deMon.rst') else: raise RuntimeError( "{} doesn't exist".format(abspath + '/deMon.rst')) abspath = op.abspath(basis_path) for name in ['BASIS', 'AUXIS', 'ECPS', 'MCPS', 'FFDS']: self.link_file(abspath,, name) if command is None: raise CalculatorSetupError subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True, try: self.read_results() except Exception: # XXX Which kind of exception? with open( + '/deMon.out') as fd: lines = fd.readlines() debug_lines = 10 print('##### %d last lines of the deMon.out' % debug_lines) for line in lines[-20:]: print(line.strip()) print('##### end of deMon.out') raise RuntimeError def set_label(self, label): """Set label directory """ self.label = label # in our case = self.label = self.label if == '': = os.curdir def write_input(self, atoms, properties=None, system_changes=None): """Write input (in)-file. See for further details. Parameters: atoms : The Atoms object to write. properties : The properties which should be calculated. system_changes : List of properties changed since last run. """ # Call base calculator. FileIOCalculator.write_input( self, atoms=atoms, properties=properties, system_changes=system_changes) if system_changes is None and properties is None: return filename = f'{}/deMon.inp' add_print = '' # Start writing the file. with open(filename, 'w') as fd: # write keyword argument keywords value = self.parameters['title'] self._write_argument('TITLE', value, fd) fd.write('#\n') value = self.parameters['scftype'] self._write_argument('SCFTYPE', value, fd) value = self.parameters['xc'] self._write_argument('VXCTYPE', value, fd) value = self.parameters['guess'] self._write_argument('GUESS', value, fd) # obtain forces through a single BOMD step # only if forces is in properties, or if keyword forces is True value = self.parameters['forces'] if 'forces' in properties or value: self._write_argument('DYNAMICS', ['INT=1', 'MAX=0', 'STEP=0'], fd) self._write_argument('TRAJECTORY', 'FORCES', fd) self._write_argument('VELOCITIES', 'ZERO', fd) add_print = add_print + ' ' + 'MD OPT' # if dipole is True, enforce dipole calculation. # Otherwise only if asked for value = self.parameters['dipole'] if 'dipole' in properties or value: self._write_argument('DIPOLE', '', fd) # print argument, here other options could change this value = self.parameters['print_out'] assert isinstance(value, str) value = value + add_print if len(value) != 0: self._write_argument('PRINT', value, fd) fd.write('#\n') # write general input arguments self._write_input_arguments(fd) fd.write('#\n') # write basis set, ecps, mcps, auxis, augment basis = self.parameters['basis'] if 'all' not in basis: basis['all'] = 'DZVP' self._write_basis(fd, atoms, basis, string='BASIS') ecps = self.parameters['ecps'] if len(ecps) != 0: self._write_basis(fd, atoms, ecps, string='ECPS') mcps = self.parameters['mcps'] if len(mcps) != 0: self._write_basis(fd, atoms, mcps, string='MCPS') auxis = self.parameters['auxis'] if len(auxis) != 0: self._write_basis(fd, atoms, auxis, string='AUXIS') augment = self.parameters['augment'] if len(augment) != 0: self._write_basis(fd, atoms, augment, string='AUGMENT') # write geometry self._write_atomic_coordinates(fd, atoms) # write xyz file for good measure.'{}/', self.atoms) def read(self, restart_path): """Read parameters from directory restart_path.""" self.set_label(restart_path) if not op.exists(restart_path + '/deMon.inp'): raise ReadError('The restart_path file {} does not exist' .format(restart_path)) self.atoms = self.deMon_inp_to_atoms(restart_path + '/deMon.inp') self.read_results() def _write_input_arguments(self, fd): """Write directly given input-arguments.""" input_arguments = self.parameters['input_arguments'] # Early return if input_arguments is None: return for key, value in input_arguments.items(): self._write_argument(key, value, fd) def _write_argument(self, key, value, fd): """Write an argument to file. key : a string coresponding to the input keyword value : the arguments, can be a string, a number or a list f : and open file """ # for only one argument, write on same line if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): line = key.upper() line += ' ' + str(value).upper() fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') # for a list, write first argument on the first line, # then the rest on new lines else: line = key if not isinstance(value[0], (tuple, list)): for i in range(len(value)): line += ' ' + str(value[i].upper()) fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') else: for i in range(len(value)): for j in range(len(value[i])): line += ' ' + str(value[i][j]).upper() fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') line = '' def _write_atomic_coordinates(self, fd, atoms): """Write atomic coordinates. Parameters: - f: An open file object. - atoms: An atoms object. """ fd.write('#\n') fd.write('# Atomic coordinates\n') fd.write('#\n') fd.write('GEOMETRY CARTESIAN ANGSTROM\n') for i in range(len(atoms)): xyz = atoms.get_positions()[i] chem_symbol = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()[i] chem_symbol += str(i + 1) # if tag is set to 1 then we have a ghost atom, # set nuclear charge to 0 if atoms.get_tags()[i] == 1: nuc_charge = str(0) else: nuc_charge = str(atoms.get_atomic_numbers()[i]) mass = atoms.get_masses()[i] line = f'{chem_symbol:6s}'.rjust(10) + ' ' line += f'{xyz[0]:.5f}'.rjust(10) + ' ' line += f'{xyz[1]:.5f}'.rjust(10) + ' ' line += f'{xyz[2]:.5f}'.rjust(10) + ' ' line += f'{nuc_charge:5s}'.rjust(10) + ' ' line += f'{mass:.5f}'.rjust(10) + ' ' fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') # routine to write basis set inormation, including ecps and auxis def _write_basis(self, fd, atoms, basis={}, string='BASIS'): """Write basis set, ECPs, AUXIS, or AUGMENT basis Parameters: - f: An open file object. - atoms: An atoms object. - basis: A dictionary specifying the basis set - string: 'BASIS', 'ECP','AUXIS' or 'AUGMENT' """ # basis for all atoms line = f'{string}'.ljust(10) if 'all' in basis: default_basis = basis['all'] line += f'({default_basis})'.rjust(16) fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') # basis for all atomic species chemical_symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() chemical_symbols_set = set(chemical_symbols) for _ in range(chemical_symbols_set.__len__()): symbol = chemical_symbols_set.pop() if symbol in basis: line = f'{symbol}'.ljust(10) line += f'({basis[symbol]})'.rjust(16) fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') # basis for individual atoms for i in range(len(atoms)): if i in basis: symbol = str(chemical_symbols[i]) symbol += str(i + 1) line = f'{symbol}'.ljust(10) line += f'({basis[i]})'.rjust(16) fd.write(line) fd.write('\n') # Analysis routines def read_results(self): """Read the results from output files.""" self.read_energy() self.read_forces(self.atoms) self.read_eigenvalues() self.read_dipole() self.read_xray() def read_energy(self): """Read energy from deMon's text-output file.""" with open(self.label + '/deMon.out') as fd: text = lines = iter(text.split('\n')) for line in lines: if line.startswith(' TOTAL ENERGY ='): self.results['energy'] = float(line.split()[-1]) * Hartree break else: raise RuntimeError def read_forces(self, atoms): """Read the forces from the deMon.out file.""" natoms = len(atoms) filename = self.label + '/deMon.out' if op.isfile(filename): with open(filename) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() # find line where the orbitals start flag_found = False for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].rfind('GRADIENTS OF TIME STEP 0 IN A.U.') > -1: start = i + 4 flag_found = True break if flag_found: self.results['forces'] = np.zeros((natoms, 3), float) for i in range(natoms): line = [s for s in lines[i + start].strip().split(' ') if len(s) > 0] f = -np.array([float(x) for x in line[2:5]]) self.results['forces'][i, :] = f * (Hartree / Bohr) def read_eigenvalues(self): """Read eigenvalues from the 'deMon.out' file.""" assert os.access(self.label + '/deMon.out', os.F_OK) # Read eigenvalues with open(self.label + '/deMon.out') as fd: lines = fd.readlines() # try PRINT MOE eig_alpha, occ_alpha = self.read_eigenvalues_one_spin( lines, 'ALPHA MO ENERGIES', 6) eig_beta, occ_beta = self.read_eigenvalues_one_spin( lines, 'BETA MO ENERGIES', 6) # otherwise try PRINT MOS if len(eig_alpha) == 0 and len(eig_beta) == 0: eig_alpha, occ_alpha = self.read_eigenvalues_one_spin( lines, 'ALPHA MO COEFFICIENTS', 5) eig_beta, occ_beta = self.read_eigenvalues_one_spin( lines, 'BETA MO COEFFICIENTS', 5) self.results['eigenvalues'] = np.array([eig_alpha, eig_beta]) * Hartree self.results['occupations'] = np.array([occ_alpha, occ_beta]) def read_eigenvalues_one_spin(self, lines, string, neigs_per_line): """Utility method for retreiving eigenvalues after the string "string" with neigs_per_line eigenvlaues written per line """ eig = [] occ = [] skip_line = False more_eigs = False # find line where the orbitals start for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].rfind(string) > -1: ii = i more_eigs = True break while more_eigs: # search for two empty lines in a row preceding a line with # numbers for i in range(ii + 1, len(lines)): if len(lines[i].split()) == 0 and \ len(lines[i + 1].split()) == 0 and \ len(lines[i + 2].split()) > 0: ii = i + 2 break # read eigenvalues, occupations line = lines[ii].split() if len(line) < neigs_per_line: # last row more_eigs = False if line[0] != str(len(eig) + 1): more_eigs = False skip_line = True if not skip_line: line = lines[ii + 1].split() for l in line: eig.append(float(l)) line = lines[ii + 3].split() for l in line: occ.append(float(l)) ii = ii + 3 return eig, occ def read_dipole(self): """Read dipole moment.""" dipole = np.zeros(3) with open(self.label + '/deMon.out') as fd: lines = fd.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].rfind('DIPOLE') > - \ 1 and lines[i].rfind('XAS') == -1: dipole[0] = float(lines[i + 1].split()[3]) dipole[1] = float(lines[i + 2].split()[3]) dipole[2] = float(lines[i + 3].split()[3]) # debye to e*Ang self.results['dipole'] = dipole * 0.2081943482534 break def read_xray(self): """Read deMon.xry if present.""" # try to read core IP from, .out file filename = self.label + '/deMon.out' core_IP = None if op.isfile(filename): with open(filename) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].rfind('IONIZATION POTENTIAL') > -1: core_IP = float(lines[i].split()[3]) try: mode, ntrans, E_trans, osc_strength, trans_dip = parse_xray( self.label + '/deMon.xry') except ReadError: pass else: xray_results = {'xray_mode': mode, 'ntrans': ntrans, 'E_trans': E_trans, 'osc_strength': osc_strength, # units? 'trans_dip': trans_dip, # units? 'core_IP': core_IP} self.results['xray'] = xray_results def deMon_inp_to_atoms(self, filename): """Routine to read deMon.inp and convert it to an atoms object.""" with open(filename) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() # find line where geometry starts for i in range(len(lines)): if lines[i].rfind('GEOMETRY') > -1: if lines[i].rfind('ANGSTROM'): coord_units = 'Ang' elif lines.rfind('Bohr'): coord_units = 'Bohr' ii = i break chemical_symbols = [] xyz = [] atomic_numbers = [] masses = [] for i in range(ii + 1, len(lines)): try: line = lines[i].split() if len(line) > 0: for symbol in found = None if line[0].upper().rfind(symbol.upper()) > -1: found = symbol break if found is not None: chemical_symbols.append(found) else: break xyz.append( [float(line[1]), float(line[2]), float(line[3])]) if len(line) > 4: atomic_numbers.append(int(line[4])) if len(line) > 5: masses.append(float(line[5])) except Exception: # XXX Which kind of exception? raise RuntimeError if coord_units == 'Bohr': xyz *= Bohr natoms = len(chemical_symbols) # set atoms object atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=chemical_symbols, positions=xyz) # if atomic numbers were read in, set them if len(atomic_numbers) == natoms: atoms.set_atomic_numbers(atomic_numbers) # if masses were read in, set them if len(masses) == natoms: atoms.set_masses(masses) return atoms