Lenovo SD650-N_V2 server

This page contains information about Lenovo SD650-N_V2 servers deployed in our cluster. The Lenovo ThinkSystem SD650-N_V2 is a 2-socket 1U server that features the Intel Xeon family of processors and 4 A100 GPUs and an NVLink interconnect.

The nodes are housed in the upgraded ThinkSystem DW612S enclosure.

Documentation and software

Lenovo provides SD650-N_V2 information and downloads:

Booting and BIOS configuration

See the Lenovo BIOS settings common to servers page.

See the Lenovo XClarity (XCC) BMC page.


Inquire GPU status with:


The SD650-N_V2 server has 4 A100 GPUs with NVLink interconnect. Inquire about the NVLink status:

nvidia-smi nvlink --status
nvidia-smi nvlink --help